Design and development of a web platform meeting the needs of pets

  • 24 May, 2024
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This project aims to develop a comprehensive web platform to meet the needs of pet product companies, pet owners and pet-related service providers. The application was designed and implemented by a team of three developers working in close collaboration: LASSOUED Mahmoud, GSAIER Mariem and SIDI MOHAMED Ahmed.

The platform offers a wide range of features, including:

  • Product, category and order management for businesses
  • Purchasing products, publishing content and managing pets for owners
  • The possibility of applying for childcare services for caretakers
  • Appointment making and scheduling management for veterinarians

Technologies Used

The development of this platform involved the use of various technologies, both for the backend and the frontend. Here are the main technologies used:


  • Node.js
  • Express.js -MySQL


  • Angular
  • JavaScript


  • Git (for version management)
  • GitHub (for hosting the source code): Project link on GitHub
  • Trello (for task management)
  • Figma (for user interface design)
  • StarUML (for UML modeling)
  • Visual Studio Code (for code editing)
  • XAMPP (for local development environment)
  • phpMyAdmin (for MySQL database management)
  • Postman (for API testing)

This project was carried out as a team effort, where each member contributed at different stages of development, from design to implementation. The technologies chosen made it possible to create a robust, scalable and user-friendly web application, meeting the requirements of the different stakeholders involved in pet management.