Car Rental Mobile App for car rental

  • 01 Jan, 0001
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Car Rental Mobile App is a cross-platform mobile application providing a seamless experience for car rentals. Developed with the Ionic framework, it offers an intuitive user interface, while the backend built with ExpressJs ensures robust integration with APIs.

Key Features:

  • Search and book cars in just a few clicks from your mobile device
  • Simplified rental process with a secure online payment system
  • Management of reservations, with the possibility of modifying or canceling a rental
  • Responsive and attractive user interface designed for optimal user experience on mobile devices
  • Solid backend with ExpressJs, ensuring high performance and good query handling

Technologies used:

  • Ionic and Angular for the development of the multi-platform mobile application
  • ExpressJs and Node.js for building the backend and APIs
  • MongoDB for scalable data storage
  • JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication and user session management

This project demonstrates my skills in developing modern, high-performance mobile applications, as well as my ability to integrate cutting-edge technologies such as the Ionic and Angular frameworks for the frontend, and ExpressJs for the backend. Using MongoDB and JWT ensures efficient data management and user authentication.